18 Students, 2 Teachers and a Funeral

This September my class 6B had the amazing opportunity to stay in Winchester, UK, for a week. In that unforgettable week we went on lots of fun trips while using English to communicate with others. We were able to collect tons of wonderful memories that’ll stick with us forever! In fact, being there at such a historical point of time, Queen Elizabeth’s death, made it even more special.

I’m convinced now that there’s no better way of getting to know the English culture than by staying with a host family and attending a language school in addition to that. I was really blessed with my host family; they were lovely and welcomed my best friend and me with open arms straightaway.

As a rule, we went to our local language school in the mornings. Not only did our teacher there take our different English levels into account, but he also managed to make the lessons as captivating and varied as possible. We really enjoyed that.

A big new range of vocabulary now fills my everyday speaking, as well as new knowledge regarding England’s, and particularly Winchester’s, history. 

On some days we visited London and got to see sights such as the London Eye, Big Ben and Tower Bridge. London was even busier than usual, yet enjoyable, nonetheless. 

I never would have thought that I’d get to see “The Lion King” in the Lyceum Theatre in London one day, but now I have! And it was brilliant. 

Back in Winchester we had the chance to see the Winchester Great Hall with King Arthur’s Round Table, and we also got a tour around Winchester College, which made us learn a great deal about education in an English public school.

I was also especially fascinated by Bournemouth’s beach. Never would I’ve expected the scenery to be this stunning. It sure did leave all of us speechless at first sight.

Another picturesque place we visited were the South Downs, the walk was calming and fascinating.

I was genuinely surprised by the kindness of strangers in Winchester, they seemed to be outstandingly nice and caring. Speaking of Brits, a typical British thing I found to like was tea. My friends and I wandered around a few tea shops in London, and we got some free tea samples, which tasted marvellous. This definitely made me reconsider drinking tea more often! 

The whole trip was very well thought through and organized by our class teacher.

We can count ourselves lucky to have experienced such an incredible school trip, and I wouldn’t trade those memories for anything. 

                                                                                                          Bianca Balada, 6B


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